Domino is a family of games that are played with dominoes. They include a variety of scoring games like bergen and muggins, blocker games such as matador and Mexican train and even duplicate card games like poker and rummy. Each game has its own rules but all have the same basic elements: a set of dominoes, some type of table and a player. The goal is to get rid of your hand by laying down dominoes before your opponent can do so.
Each domino features a line that divides it into two square ends (or corners). The end with more dots is called the value, or pips, and the end with less dots is called the blank. Each side of a domino also has a number, or rank, which indicates its value in the game. For example, a double six is higher in rank than a single four or an empty domino. A domino’s rank may also be referred to as its weight because it takes more force to knock over a heavy, higher-ranking domino than a lighter, smaller one.
When a domino is arranged so that the matching ends touch, it is considered part of a chain or “snakeline” and it becomes a playable piece. The shape of the chain may be varied by changing the way a tile is placed or by adding additional dominoes to the end of the chain. A tile playing to a double must be placed perpendicular to the double touching it at both ends or at an angle of 90 degrees.
Normally, each player plays a domino in turn. They choose a domino from their boneyard and then place it on the table so that the exposed numbers (or blanks) match up with the ones on the other players’ tiles. When a player cannot make a play they must “knock” and pass the turn to the next player.
Domino’s Pizza CEO Don Meij is a stickler for the company’s core values and one of those values is Champion Our Customers. So when Meij was sent undercover to investigate problems at one of their restaurants on an episode of Undercover Boss, he made sure to address the customer’s complaints directly.
If you don’t use outlines or other tools to help plot out your writing before you begin, you probably write like a domino. You may have scenes that seem out of place or don’t quite build up enough tension. But, just like a domino that’s out of place, you can usually make it fit if you rework the scene.