Domino is a popular board game and also a name for an online company. The game is played by placing a single domino in the middle of a grid and then completing adjacent rows and columns with dominos that are arranged in parallel lines. The first player to place all their dominos in a row wins.
In the past, Domino’s Pizza had a reputation for poor quality, but in 2009 it began an ambitious marketing campaign that featured bold self-awareness and straightforward accountability. The campaign included a video featuring Domino’s leaders and employees reading scathing critiques of their own company, which was an unprecedented example of a corporation taking responsibility for its mistakes.
This approach was an important part of Domino’s strategy to recover from its slump and make the company more recognizable to consumers. It helped to improve the Domino’s image among the general public and was a major factor in Domino’s return to profitability.
The company has also launched several successful franchises and has expanded its delivery service. Domino’s Pizza is one of the few companies to offer online ordering, which has made it a leader in the fast-food industry. The Domino’s website lets customers order and track deliveries from their home or office.
Besides the traditional games of blocking, scoring, and taking turns, dominoes can also be used to play a number of solitaire games, and variations on other card games such as concentration. Dominoes can also be used to circumvent religious proscriptions against playing cards.
Many domino sets are made of ivory, mother-of-pearl (MOP), or a dark hardwood such as ebony, with black or white pips. Other materials, such as brass or ceramic clay, are sometimes used. These types of dominoes typically have a more unique appearance and a heavier weight than sets made from polymer materials.
In her time with X-Force, Domino has taken part in numerous missions. She has fought for mutant rights, such as hunting down the group of mutants led by John Sublime and freeing the mutant named Xorn. She has also taken on the role of an investigative journalist, tracking mutant activity and exposing human-mutant sex trafficking networks.
Domino’s uncanny ability to affect probability in her favor is a result of a psionic effect generated by her brain when she engages in any action that could harm her or others. However, this unconsciously controlled talent is largely participatory, meaning that for it to work, Domino must actively participate in a situation whose outcome she can influence.
She has been known to use her powers in a variety of ways, from ensuring that her arrow hits its target to causing lightning to strike two sentinels. As a result of these incidents, questions have been raised about her true nature and she left X-Force after the team was captured by Flagsmasher on Providence and later joined Cable in his search for Weapon X at its secret Neverland base. She has also been seen as a member of Six Pack, an elite black ops team that has been recruited by Wolverine to hunt down the Punisher.